Welcome to learn more about ...
... what you'll get in my coaching, workshops, and trainings: On one hand a combination of valuable tools and distinctions from different contexts, and on the other me as a human being, Georg Pollitt, born 1961, since 2004 self-employed in Switzerland as trainer and coach for self-development and more possibilities in your private and professional life.
To name the most important context: I know and use Possibility Management since 2011, appreciating this great matrix for growth and transformation. In addition, I use impulses from Psychodrama, Galli method, 5Rhythms, Avalon, Art of Being, and other contexts which I got to know during my research for tools helping in creating a fulfilled life and alive, authentic relationships.
Life experiences supporting me as trainer and coach are (amongst others): Three years of living and cooperating in the community of Schloss Glarisegg (supporting the free school and seminar business), ten years as single father of two (by now adult) sons, three long-term relationships (success and failure both teaching me a lot), and a deep, fulfilling relationship since 2019 (by now also marriage) which allows communication and exchange on all levels with all feelings and thoughts.
While I got to know and practice improvisation very early through music and dancing, later also through theater playing, I discovered only during the last years that creating spontaneously just here and now from the necessity of the space belongs to the gifts that I'm able to supply. Therefore, you don't get concepts from my offers, but alive experience, fitting to what you really need right now for your next steps. And: It touches and moves and changes me each time, too.

Since September 2020, the physical "Space of Possibilities" is located in Illnau with the German ergotherapie offer of my wife Barbara Pollitt as well as Coaching, Workshops, and Trainings for feeling work and communication offered by me.