An Initiation Training for Edgeworker
Welcome to this Transformational Space
While you get the main distinctions of Possibility Management, the basic "thoughtware", during the ETB (which is a requirement for this training), you'll experience the full transformational power of those during Possibility Laboratories where we research, discover, experiment ... playfully and at the same time intensely so that healing and transformation is happening. In this mixture of deep initiatory processes, cooking together, celebrating, having (high-level) fun, practice for all bodies (e.g. sword work), and much more, you'll discover possibilities in yourself you never imagined before. And you'll get tools and valuable abilities not known or trained elsewhere. After breaking out of the cocoon during ETB, you'll now free yourself from last shells, opening your wings, and discovering the unknown.

Labs are designed for initiation into full adult radical responsibility. Initiation never ends, the learning spiral spins, the next unconscious incompetence, the next feedback is waiting for you. Are you ready to take and use it? If you want to be effective and make a change in this world, if you perceive the pain about all the not-ok stuff, then you are not captured in the stories of the mainstream but free as an edgeworker to go for the longing of your heart. And that's what initiation is for, radical responsibility is needed as are the impulses offered by Possibility Labs.
If you are interested in this topic please Contact me.